The impact of the music on embryo’s development during IVF

Quite unusual concert took place in Barcelona. In the IVF clinic over Institut Marques the singer Antonio Orosko played the guitar for embryos. At the same time approximately 380 listeners in incubators enjoyed the performance of Spanish musician.

Orosko agreed to participate in this unusual project For the researches of the IVF clinic. The doctors here study the impact of the music on the embryo’s development during IVF procedure for already some years.

According to data published 2 years ago, the music influences positively the embryo’s development. The vibrations and sounds reproduced when playing the musical instruments can increase the formation of embryos, received by means of IVF procedure.  In particular, it’s established that the development is accelerated by 5%, herewith heightens its quality that increases the probability of pregnancy after the transfer of embryos into the uterus.

It is known the IVF procedure to be very delicate and less than 50% of women can expect  its success from the first attempt. That’s why any factor which has the minimum positive impact on the embryos received in such a way is taken into consideration by experts. The head of the center reported, that he and his colleagues try to create good conditions and comfort for embryos, the maximum approximate to natural for harmonious formation of new life.

According to statistics of WHO, the number of women suffering from infertility composes nowadays more than 2% of all the female population of the planet. More and more infertile couples consider IVF procedure as the only way to resolve  their problem.